You’ve mastered the basics and want to try your hand at some awesome Tow Skim Tricks?
You’ve come to the right place. Below is a collection of video tutorials detailing various tricks for each of the 3 Rider Levels.
Tow Skim is a new sport, so the range of tricks is still developing. Many of the Tow Skim tricks are variations of main stream skimboard/ wakeskate tricks, so look to those sports for some inspiration. The Tricks and Tips video tutorials? Watch ’em, learn ’em and then help us add more!
If you have an idea for a trick, drop us an email. Show us a video, or a collection of images, with you demonstrating the trick and what you’re calling the trick. We’ll pick the best ones and add them here, giving credit where it’s deserved. But be careful – we’re not interested in dangerous or irresponsible tricks (like, don’t jump of your roof, out of an airplane or Tow Skim through an eight-lane super-highway … seriously, we wouldn’t be impressed!)
No matter the rider level, or the seeming simplicity of the trick, always keep the following in mind: Clear communication between the rider and tow’er is essential and don’t push yourself into doing something you’re not ready to do!
Rider Level: Free Rider
While at a comfortable speed you need to hold the rope with both hands, pull the rope handle to your hip, letting go of your forward hand, while at the same time turning your board. Continue to spin and pass the handle, as close as possible to your hips/back until you have rotated enough to grab the handle with your forward hand and then continue.
Back to the Future
Rider Level: Free Rider, Handle Rider
From your regular riding stance move your feet until they are side by side (Same position as waterskiing on 2 skis) on the board, then do a 180 and face backwards while holding the rope behind your back with 2 hands. To complete the trick get back to your original stance.