There are so many more things you can do at the beach with your Tow Skim Board when your are having a break from Tow Skim ming. The Tow Skim -agination guide outlines some fun, imaginative ideas to enhance your time at the beach.
We’re always on the lookout for some more great ideas to add to the Skim-agination guide. So if you have a flash of inspiration, drop us a quick email and let us know. If we add your idea to the Skim-agination Guide, we’ll be sure and give you credit — so make sure you send us a photo (or video) of you performing the act. Note: a profile pic of you is great, but we really need a picture of you performing the act!
Make a Tow Skim Train
We find it easier to connect the ropes together for this so the riders can just ride. Really depends on your imagination and the tow’ers strength to see how many riders you can pull.